Hi there. I’m Ros, a Caribbean born engineer turned blogger.
Unfortunately, I’ve had a couple health scares. But they’ve inspired me to research healthy recipes, habits, alternative therapies, and so much more. The thing is: lots of mainstream health sites say all these wonderful benefits about a particular product or food with no scientific evidence to back it up … Or the truth is so stretched and overstated, it becomes total bs.
So I started zenhealth.net to share my research. I try my best to verify and validate my research with cited studies. But, know that I’m not a doctor and the information I provide isn’t meant to be taken as medical advice.
Health research isn’t the only thing I’m interested in. I love food, makeup and skin care. And I love experimenting with them and sharing my thoughts.
Recently, I’ve been making lots of Trini recipes and even started my own Youtube channel. Check out some of my videos:
If you’d like to contact me, feel free using the contact form below or using my email: admin@zenhealth.net or zenhealth0@gmail.com.